Import coverage ratio: the rate at which imports are covered by exports. 进出覆盖比率:指出口对销进口的比率。
Although regulators are still tinkering with what will count towards the "liquidity coverage ratio", much of it will have to be in cash, government bonds or highest-quality corporate bonds. 尽管监管机构仍在对哪些资产能计入“流动性覆盖比率”进行修改,但其中很大一部分将必须是现金、政府债券或最高质量的企业债券。
Therefore, the policy of increasing green coverage ratio is worth to carry out for urban sustainable development. 因此,覆率是非常值得长期推广的都市永续发展作法。
Enter Italy and the coverage ratio of EFSF funds to total debt for those five countries declines to about 10 per cent. 再计入意大利的话,EFSF资金与这五国总债务的比率将下降至大约10%。
It measures wind erosion under the conditions of different wind speed of floodplain area with different vegetation coverage ratio of the Yongding River by using mobile filed wind channel equipment. 利用野外移动式风洞试验装置,对永定河不同植被覆盖率河滩农地在不同风速下的风蚀量进行了测定,结果表明:播草盖沙可以提高起沙风速,有效减少河滩地的土壤流失。
The idea of green coverage ratio recently is interested by governments and research fields of environmental planning and design for cooperation with the practical fields of building trades. 摘要都市覆率理念近年备受国内学术界和各级政府积极推动,冀望带动营建业在环境规划设计实务的新潮流。
In fact, the JPMorgan analysis concludes that the liquidity coverage ratio is the most painful piece of regulation to hit the sector, and will cost European banks nearly 12 per cent of their 2012 earnings on average. 实际上,摩根大通(JPMorgan)的分析结论是:流动性覆盖比率是迄今为止对银行业打击最沉重的规定,将令欧洲各银行平均损失2012年收益的近12%。
Current ratio, quick ratio, interest coverage ratio and other liquidity and coverage ratios; 流动比率,速动比率,利息覆盖率和其他流动性和覆盖范围的比率;
Droplet distribution uniformity, drift and coverage ratio are main indices of appraisingspray quality. 雾滴分布均匀性、飘移性和对目标的覆盖率是评价喷雾质量的主要指标。
Research on the coverage ratio for the timing sequence test of parallel programs 关于并行程序时序测试中测试覆盖率的研究
The results showed that the shearing force upon crop straw and stubble increased and upon bare soil surface decreased with the increase of the height of crop stubble and coverage ratio. 结果表明:随着作物秸秆残茬高度和覆盖度的增加,作用在作物秸秆残茬上的剪切力增加,而作用在裸露地表上的剪切力减少。
The coverage ratio of fine particles on large particles was used to evaluate and compute these factors. 用大颗粒上小颗粒的覆盖率来评价和计算这些因素。
Since the system parameters faulty coverage ratio and maintenance ratio influence the system's reliability and security, we analyze them and find out they play an important role in the evaluation of fault-tolerant system. 通过分析得出系统的故障覆盖率与维修率在容错系统的评价过程中起到非常重要的作用。
A new, simple and effective DFT technology for the memory units in ASIC is presented in this paper to test some untestable faults and improve the fault coverage ratio. 本文提出了一种简洁有效的、针对ASIC中记忆部件的易测试性设计技术,可消除部分不可测故障,提高故障覆盖率。
When the coverage ratio of floodplain area reaches to 30%, the wind erosion can be controlled within the range of light erosion. 河滩土植被覆盖率达到30%时即可将风蚀控制在轻微侵蚀范围内。
According to their mathematics 'model and taking the influences of the coverage ratio and maintenance ratio into account, we compiled the simulating programs with MATLAB language. 根据上述三种系统的数学模型,在考虑系统故障覆盖率与维修率两个参数对系统可靠度与安全度影响的情况下,用MATLAB语言编制了计算机仿真程序。
The Influence of PV coverage ratio on thermal and electrical performance of photovoltaic-Trombe wall 覆盖率对PV-Trombe墙光电性能和室内热环境的影响
The schemes which separately set on the principle of target coverage ratio and important extent of highway were studied in detail. 本文提出交通信息获取设备应满足的要求和功能,详细研究了按目标覆盖率和道路重要度两种原则布置设备的方案。
The results show that the mean value of the coverage ratio represents the efficiency of particle agglomeration while the standard deviation of the coverage ratio represents the strength of the agglomerates. 结果表明覆盖率的均值反映颗粒凝聚效率,而覆盖率的标准方差可以反映凝聚体的强度。
The new accord which raises capital requirement and introduces the leverage ratio and global liquidity standard ( Liquidity Coverage Ratio, Net Stable Funding Ratio) aims at rebuilding the global regulatory system. 协议提高了资本要求,引入了杠杆率、流动性覆盖率、净稳定融资比例等新指标,旨在重建全球金融监管体系。
The experimental results show that, Being comparing with Gossip, the distribution algorithm with percolation theory can reduce the data redundancy to some extend while with the same data coverage ratio. 实验结果表明,应用了逾渗机制的分发算法与Gossip相比具有相同的覆盖率而在一定程度上减少了冗余量。
PCCM reflects the relationships between network coverage ratio and the number of deployed sensors, the sensing radius of sensor, the area of monitoring region. 模型反映了网络覆盖率与部署节点数量、节点感知半径与监测区域面积之间的函数关系。
So, a main target that improving the energy algorithms on the basis of ensuring high sensor coverage ratio is to be going to have an effect to economize the energy and to prolong the entire network life-time. 为此在保证高感知范围覆盖率的基础上能量算法设计的一个主要目标就是要有效节省能量,延长整个网络寿命。
Increasing government financing so as to decrease residents financing is an effective way to guarantee the coverage ratio of this group. 对低收入人群增加政府筹资,从而降低其居民筹资额,是确保这一人群城镇居民医疗保险覆盖率的有效方式。
The model takes Gossip mechanism and certain amount of redundancy to ensure the data coverage ratio. 这种模型采用了Gossip的机制,应用了一定的冗余来保证数据的覆盖率。